Cookie 4

Archived Cookie 4 Support issues
144 Topics 780 Posts
  • Cookie Doesn't Seem to Find All Cookies

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    Safari tends to hold references to some items in RAM. (cache cookies, databases/localStorage, and History). Cookie does in fact remove them from disk, but Safari still thinks they are there.

    you can test this your self by restarting Safari.
    There is currently no way I know of forcing Safari, to update its internal references.

    Those are Extension databases e.g.... (AdBlock, DoNotTrackMe, ClickToPlugin, etc...)
    if you really want to delete them, you need to disable the option "Always Treat Browser Extensions as Favorites" on the Preferences Tab.
  • Uninstalling Browser Plug-in

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    2 Posts

    ah, you need to open up Safari's preferences, and then look for the "Cookies" tab. there is an Uninstall option there.

    make sure you restart Safari.

    also, you may want to Uninstall SIMBL:
    use the uninstaller included in the package:

  • Firefox Home Button Problem

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    No. I have cookie set to remove on browser quit.

  • Camino Problems

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    so sorry about the delayed response.

    Camino locks its Cookies database, so Cookie isn't actually able to read it till after Camino quits. (which is too late, if you have Cookie configured to clear on browser quit - effectively removing all Camino's cookies....)

    what you need to do, is Disable Cookie, and navigate around a little in Camino, then close Camino. Cookie will now have access to Camino's cookies, which you can then select favourites.

    Alternatively, you can set Global favourites which Cookie will respect and save for Camino.

  • Hide Cookie in Dock and App switcher? MAS

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    No one has replied
  • Cookie installation

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    you only need one installed, you should uninstall Safari Cookies.
    let me know if you run into any problems.

  • Cookie import in Firefox

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    4 Posts

    Can I stick my head in here too?
    Cookie 3.0.x does not seem to be automatically managing Firefox cookies when quitting the browser.
    This is with FF 14, 15, 16 and Cookie 3.0.x on Snow Leopard.

  • Cookie connecting to additional address?

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    3 Posts

    thanks for answering so quickly!

    that's what I thought-
    Cookie connects to and has since I installed long ago. Little Snitch is logging a new address in a totally separate ip range from yours and started connecting three or four days ago. I didn't think much of it until the connection repeated.
    The funny thing is that they both connect at the same time, so I thought you might have added something to the code.
    I'll keep an eye on it for a couple of days- a few of the addresses are associated with a Windows IE trojan (neither of which I have).

    take care!

  • First Time Use

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    Hi dorich,

    I apologize in the late response, I never received a notification about your post.
    did you manage to get through the wizard?

    the beach ball was most likely due to the number of your cookies. I have added a cookie removal (and Smart favourite selection) into the wizard now, which will cull your cookies down to a manageable number before Cookie starts properly.

    *note you will only need to do this if you never managed to get through the wizard, and open the main window.
    If you never managed to get cookie started, what you can do is update Cookie to v3.0.6 by either downloading from my site:, or updating through the App Store (depending on which version you use).

    Quit Cookie, and delete the preference file:

    restart Cookie, this will force cookie to reload the Wizard again, without reloading the Cookie window.

    then on tab 3 of the Wizard, Hit the Smart Import button. Cookie will make an educated guess as to which cookies should be favorited.

    on tab 4, check that the favorites are ok. Hit the Remove all Non-Favorites button.

    finish the Wizard, then in Cookie's main window, go through and check all your Silverlight/Flash/Databases and select favorites.

    once all your favorites have been selected you can safely remove all non-favorites.

    You will now most likely never need to look at Cookie again, unless you want to modify your favorites. (if you have selected automated removal, and start at login. I recommend removing all data on browser quit)

  • Safari Website Data

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    4 Posts

    sorry about the delayed response. (i never received a notification about your reply)

    yes, tracking cannot occur if the cookie has been physically removed. However there can be some website display issues when removing cookies whilst the browser is running. (last time I checked, this was the case for youtube)

  • How to add cookies to favorites

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    The blacklist/whitelist will not really need to be used by probably 90% of users. (personally I don't have any cookies on my blacklist/whitelist)

    The blacklist is for flagging individual cookies for removal. say for example you have a favorited website, but there is one cookie (within that favourite) in particular that you don't want to keep. The blacklist allows you to selectively delete that single cookie.

    The whitelist is the exact opposite. If you have a website which you would like to keep only one cookie from (and not all of its cookies). rather than favoriting the entire website, you can just whitelist the single cookie. Another useful case for the whitelist is if you have a cookie which is flagged as a tracking cookie, but you want to keep it. For example the "NID" Google cookie is flagged as a tracking cookie, but is needed if you don't want to have to re-log into Gmail every time. (you can whitelist the specific cookie, instead of editing the tracking cookie definitions - which would affect tracking cookies across all domains)

    All cookies which aren't favorited are deleted by Cookie, however browsers tend to store references to their cookies in RAM, and these references aren't accurately updated after cookie removes the physical file. This is the case for cache cookies/databases/history. To finalise any removal, it is best to restart your browser.

  • Quarantene Events

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    Most likely not, its more of a local privacy issue(but its better to play it safe). I was shocked to learn that anyone with access to my computer could read this file and discover every single file downloaded to my computer.

  • "Remove every X minutes" not working

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    This looks like you might have this Apple cookies issue:

  • Mountain Lion: Slower Shutdown with Cookie

    0 Votes
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    Ill look into this, thanks for letting me know.
    I have a build waiting for review with Apple now, so I'll look at getting a fix for this in the next release.


  • Cookie Explanations

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    Sure thing,
    when i get a bit of spare time, ill do just this.

  • Tracking Cookies

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    Thats seems like a good idea,
    maybe ill look at that for a future update.

  • Cookie hangs in mountain lion

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    If you open up, in the "Applications/Utilities" folder, do you see any entries related to Cookie?

    also, do you have a large number of Cookies? (2000+)

  • Erased cookies before I clicked

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    Hi dorich,

    I apologise for the long overdue response.

    To get your cookies back with Time Machine, you need to restore the folder:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome

    note the ~
    this means the folder is in your User Library, not the computer Library.
    if you are running Lion, or Mountain Lion, this folder is hidden. You can enable visibility using my freeware app DesktopUtility

    But I would actually recommend restarting with 'fresh' cookies. (which by now, you probably already have done..... once again - sorry)

    the loading delay of Cookie, would be due to Cookie reading through all your Cookie data, which if you have a lot - can take some time....
    however, once you have your favourites culled down to just your favourites, you will not even notice Cookie running in the background, silently clearing out all the tracking/unwanted cookies.


  • Import/Export Safari Cookies

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    11 Posts

    Well, I have multiple backups of com.sweetpproductions.SafariCookies.plist going back several years.

    I tried copying over the most recent, as well as several from across different months this year, and one year+ ago...NONE of them restored the favorite cookies!

    I think that I figured how Cookie and SC work-- that what happens is that they overwrite Safari's own Cookie list. So, the key here is NOT the .plist for SC or Cookie, but Safari's own Cookies.plist that had been deleted.

    I'll try an older one, from last week, and see.


    It seems to me that you absolutely need to have Cookie, on its first run, make a backup of Safari's Cookies somewhere and alert the user that it's available for a restore if needed. In fact, Cookie should have a button for "Restore Previous Favorites List" to cover all disasters. There always needs to be a fail-safe, backup. But just as central is for Cookie to automatically bring over the previously-- years worth--saved set of favorite cookies. Without that, the program creates all the frustration and hassles I've gone through-- and I'm a backer, supporter, and believer in Safari Cookies.

    I also agree with several reviewers on the App Store who said that the interface and the language in the interface needs improving. The phrase "Configuring Unwanted Data" gets into double negative terrain linguistically when trying to decide whether to check or not check.

    In any case, now that I've figured this out, I may even try Cookie again-- yes, I'm a glutton for punishment technically, but the promise is there and I'd like to see it work!

  • Favicons not being saved

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    This is odd,

    I tried myself, and got the same result as you.
    what worked was disabling the setting in Cookie, as you already have done, and then quitting and restarting Cookie.

    Ill look into this, and provide a fix.

    thanks for pointing this out.