Mountain Lion: Slower Shutdown with Cookie
I've been trying to diagnose a slower shutdown that I've been experiencing under Mtn. Lion. With two different 2011 MacBook Airs, my shutdowns went from a consistent 2-3 seconds to 13 to 20 seconds. I installed Cookie soon after upgrading to Mtn. Lion, so I can't comment on its behavior under Lion.
I finally deleted all of my user Login Items and my shutdowns returned to the 2-3 second range. I then added back one login item and tested. I kept repeating. What I found was that having Cookie open at login or manually launching Cookie resulted in a slower shutdown. And, even if I manually quit Cookie before the shutdown, I would still have the slower shutdown. It's possible that having a normal rotating hard drive with the longer normal shutdown wouldn't produce this kind of difference. But on my system, it's a five-fold increase in my shutdown time.
I've attached my system log below. That was from a shutdown where Cookie had been opened at login but I had quit Cookie before doing the shutdown. Also, there are no other open apps when I did the shutdown.
Note that the log indicates no elapsed seconds during the shutdown (normal on a MacBook Air) but the actual time of the shutdown was 16 seconds (I timed it).
I've done a total of 10 shutdowns--five with Cookie open or open and quit and five with Cookie never launched. The results are completely consistent with launching Cookie during a session resulting in a much slower shutdown for me.
Log is below:
Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11[115] ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11[115] ([0x0-0x46046][591]): Exited: Killed: 9 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local WindowServer[91]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 72971 Sep 24 06:36:17 --- last message repeated 4 times --- Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local WindowServer[91]: dict count after removing entry for window 0x25 is 0 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11[115] ([130]): Exited: Killed: 9 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11[115] ([590]): Exited: Killed: 9 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [UserAgentDied:139] User Agent @port=40975 Died Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local coreservicesd[26]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=112 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11[115] ([120]): Exited: Killed: 9 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11[115] ([564]): Exited: Killed: 9 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local coreservicesd[26]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=246 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local coreservicesd[26]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=174 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local WindowServer[91]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 72971 Sep 24 06:36:17 --- last message repeated 4 times --- Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local loginwindow[70]: DEAD_PROCESS: 70 console Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local airportd[597]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “noibsnet”. Bailing on auto-join. Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local blued[50]: -[CBManager init] init returning self:0x7fbbf240b820 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local coreservicesd[26]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=126 Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local WindowServer[91]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 72971 Sep 24 06:36:17 --- last message repeated 4 times --- Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local shutdown[598]: reboot by scottnewman: Sep 24 06:36:17 SGNMacBookAir11.local shutdown[598]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1348490177 847376```