Thanks, Russell. That was the issue, indeed. Somehow i suspected something like this, but i had forgotten this easy shortcut to open preferences.
5.7.x - No menu bar icon any longer -
5.7.x - No menu bar icon any longerNot sure what went wrong. I followed (tried to, al least) the installation instructions (MAS version) but can't get Cookie to show the menu bar icon.
ColorWell icon not/hardly visible when using dark menu barThanks for the quick response!
ColorWell icon not/hardly visible when using dark menu barThis wasn't a problem in the previous version but after the update to version 4.0 the icon isn't visible any longer if you have decided for a dark menu bar. I didn't find a preference setting to change this.
ColorWell in active desktopWell, with the new version i just downloaded from the App Store it can solved easily. Simply right click on the Dock icon and select All Desktops from the menu. Problem solved.
By the way, i preferred the old icon.
ColorWell in active desktopHi,
I noticed the following behaviour of ColorWell. If you have multiple spaces/desktops and you're opening ColorWell from the menu bar while you're working in a desktop other than #1, ColorWell always opens in Desktop 1 (rather than the active desktop). Is there a way to change this behaviour? I couldn't find anything in the preferences and ColorWell doesn't have a Dock icon (where you can normally set the behaviour).
Cookie, Safari and El CapitanIn the meantime, i've installed 4.5.3 which seems to remove the crashing issue for me.
Cookie, Safari and El CapitanSo a matter of days. I can live with that (assuming it solves the issue, and even then...)
Cookie, Safari and El CapitanHi,
When reading this forum post it looks like 4.5.2 is supposed to solve all problems. Not in my case. Cookie keeps quitting spontaneously, as soon as i use the periodic auto delete of certain cookies (Every: X minutes when Browser is Open).What could be special in my settings?
I'm on El Capitan (10.11.1) with Cookies 4.5.2.