Cookie not removing cookies
I noticed that Cookie does not seem to automatically remove cookies anymore (although all the relevant settings are activated).
Nor does it remove cookies when I click on "Remove Non-Favorites" or "Remove Tracking Cookies".
The only thing I can do is to select a cookie in the list, right click and select "Remove". It sometimes work, not always.
Cookie has full disk access.
Tried quitting cookie and relauching.Cookie 7.3.6
Mac OS Monterey 12.7.6
Firefox 129.0 -
Yes, it seems to mostly work, although some cookies are still not deleted: e.g.,,, among others.
Do you have this or some other IMDb extension installed?
If so, the cookies which are not removed are likely browser extensions. These are whitelisted in Cookie by default. You can change this setting in the Advanced tab in Cookie Settings.
Just Uncheck the option “Never remove Browser extensions’