CMYK conversion not accurate?
I noticed that when I enter a RGB value in ColorWell and I enter the same RGB value in Affinity Photo or Photoshop I get completely different CMYK values.
For example for RGB value 176/49/126:
- ColorWell returns CMYK 0/72/28/31
- Affinity Photo returns CMYK 32/95/18/0
- Photoshop returns CMYK 33/92/11/1
So the Affinity Photo and Photoshop conversions of the RGB color to CMYK are close to eachother, but ColorWell's conversion looks very different.
So does this mean that ColorWell's conversion of RGB to CMYK is not so accurate? Why does it differ so much?
Anyway, I like the ColorWell application, I use it mostly for picking colors during web development.