v6.8.2 is available on my servers now, and will be in the App Store after review by Apple. It fixes the hanging issue without the need to close Safari on first run.
@SweetP Version 6.8.3, released today, just hangs. The progress circle (?) keeps spinning and spinning... It uses 86% of CPU. I had to revert to 6.8.2.
@SweetP Safari and Chrome. When I did the update the progress circle kept going for about 5 minutes until I shut it down. I have the Advanced window option when I "show Cookie."
@JML Maybe it's 6.8.x that has the problem. The progress runs for a LONG time in 6.8.2, also, going from 44% CPU down to 32 when I took the screen shot!
Maybe it was a transitory problem. I just tried 6.8.3 again, but shut down Cookie before updating it. The progress ran for under a minute, and Activity Monitor showed it was using 62.3% of CPU, then dropped to 40.6%, and then .4%, then Zero.
@SweetP Is it normal for the heavy demand when Showing Cookie, or shutting down the browser? It went to 96.1% before slowly going down to zero CPU. Is this from the app checking all the cookies and deleting non-Favorites and non-Bookmarks?