useless on Monterey?
Hi there,
how is it possible that cookies inside Cookie got deleted as expected but they remain in Safaris website date settings?
Also a new start of Safari doesn't show a new cookie question (Cookie is clean in this moment), that shows me, that the remaining cookies inside Safari are still there and in use.
So what is the benefit of Cookie, if it's not cleaning Safaris website data?
@danieldownload what type of cookies are remaining in Safari after a restart?
Cache cookies?
If so, make sure you have cache removal enabled. And if you are running the App Store version, you can run this terminal command to enable a deep clean:
defaults write com.sweetpproductions.CookieApp removePrivateVarFolder -bool true
To run the command, you only need to open Applications/Utilities/, copy and paste the above command, then press ENTER.
@danieldownload try restarting Cookie as well, then try a new Safari clean and restart. also make Sure that you are not just reloading the site in Safari on restart. As that will regenerate the cache cookie
Hi, I'm Having the same Issue on M1-pro Monterey, but the suggested solution does not work for me. Any updates from Apple, that made new wizardry necessary? I have C5 running on Intel-Monterey like a charm by the way...
Any Ideas are greatly appreciated, Cookie is really a great 'condom for going online'. Don't want to roam the city without it -
Ah sorry, I have v5.12 on the Intel and v5.13 on the M1. Wrong SubForum
@SolarBeamster cookie 5 hasn’t been tested on Monterey. I actually stopped releasing updates for it in 2019