How to permit cookies on a specific website in Safari? (Please)
It's highly possible that I have just wasted $20, but I bought this product so that I could permit cookies on one specific website on Safari. That's it, that's all I want to do. The product description and the reviews suggested that this was possible, but after an hour and a half of trying to work it out, I have absolutely no idea whether that is possible or how to go about it. The interface seems highly unfriendly, and I found the user manual (when I eventually found the user manual, to be entirely unhelpful). Could somebody please tell me is is possible to do this one very simple thing, and if so, how?
Cookie doesn’t block cookies being set. It cleans them.
What you need to do is this
- Visit the website you want to keep cookies for.
- open Cookie to the Websites tab
- scroll through the list of cookies till you find your domain
- check the heart box to mark it as a favorite
You also need to select a removal schedule for all the unchecked domains
- open the unwanted data tab
- select everything you want removed
- open the Removal tab
- select on browser quit (I recommend this as the best option)
- Enable Cookie removals by clicking the Start button at the top of the window
Now if you also must give Cookie Full Disk access in system preferences:
- open
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access - add Cookie to the list and restart Cookie
This setup should give you what you need
Okay, thanks. That's what I have been trying to do, but the one website (which begins with cas for central authenticating system, I think), simply does not appear. I have searched for it in the search box too.
Also, how does one tick the heart box? Clicking it just brings up a sub menu about importing or exporting.