I purchased Cookie 5 from the Mac App Store. I'm currently running v5.0.6. When I access Cookie through the Purchased section of the MAS I can see version 5.0.7 is available but there is no update showing for me when I access the Update section of the MAS. A friend of mine has a Mac also, and he was notified automatically of the update and it updated just fine. It seems to be working well for him, also. So before I start uninstalling, reinstalling, etc. in order to get the update, do I have something configured wrong? I'm stumped as to why no update is showing for me.
No Update in Mac App Store -
Constant Launchd errorThank you for your timely reply. I purchased your app through the Apple Store so I'll wait for the update you mentioned. Thanks also for explaining the heart/dot/star columns. Like you, I usually use Safari but I've been having some issues lately where Facebook will slowly claim more and more RAM until my system is virtually locked up. One day it was using 6GB of the 8GB on my system. And it only happens in Safari…Chrome seems okay. But that's why I've been using Chrome more and I realize that is way TMI for this thread.
Constant Launchd errorThe Cookie update I installed today fixed the crash issue I was experiencing previously. However, Cookie still does not launch from a fresh boot and crashes. It will launch manually, however.
I'm having some problems with Chrome when it is launched. With Cookie closed it opens normally, but with it running I have several browser extensions opening tabs and complaining about preferences or options. Cookie isn’t suppose to mess with browser extensions, from what I understand, and I tried to identify any of their cookies as favorites (i.e. AdBlock), so I don’t know what is going on. Like user papypaprika noted, the Cookie window opens every time I manually launch it. I thought I finished the initial setup but perhaps I missed something. When I look closely at Cookie’s settings (Websites) it has a bunch of cookies unchecked, others checked, and still others with dashes. I have no idea what that is about since some of the ones with dashes are my favorites (like my bank) and some of the ones that are checked are my favorites too (I say “some” because I didn’t view them all). I presume the little heart column is Favorites, but what is the dot column? And the star column? Is there any documentation available that would provide an explanation for some of these items?
[color=#101010][font=Verdana]I'd appreciate any assistance you can offer. Thank you.[/font][/color]