Cookie 5 download link
For archival purposes, you can find Cookie 5 here: -
Mojave made some big changes which meant Cookie needed to have a lot of conditional code for High Sierra. I wanted to start fresh with Cookie 6 and not have to support legacy operating systems. Also, High Sierra only has roughly a 20% market share... but that is only going to drop as time goes on. 5 was a nightmare to support because it supported 10 browsers across 6 operating systems - it's a lot of work to maintain. I'm only one person with only so much time. I really don't want to get into this situation again.
The actual Version of Cookie 5 is 5.13. I bought my version in the App Store. There is no newer version than 5.10. How can I install 5.13 without buying it again?
Thanks. -
Hello, I'm a Mojave user of Cookie 5, after relaunching my computer after 3 weeks, I had a error message saying, Cookie 5 is corrupt, you need to reinstall it from the App Store (where I've bought it few years ago). On the App Store : no way to download the 5 version so I went here and download it from your link, but now it's says that I don't have any licence, how can I do to register it again without paying one more time ? Kind regards
You can download Cookie 5 here: me an email at and Iβll sort out a license for you