Import data from SessionRestoreJS, Sessions or Safari
I have created a utility, to get your precious session data, from the old SessionRestoreJS javascript extension, the Sessions javascript extension, and also directly from Safari.
1. SRExport
All you need to do is drag any compatible data file onto the drop zone:Exported data from
- SessionRestore
- SessionRestoreJS
- Sessions
- or the from Safari
This will convert the file to SessionRestore formatted JSON. There is also the option to export to a simple url list or regular JSON. will be in one of the following locations:
Hi Russell,
I am trialing SessionRestore, it looks really promising, and I want to import the data from Sessions extension.
I tried both using the import function in SessionRestore and SSExport but none seems to work.
In SSExport, I have tried dropping the whole folder (safari-extension_yoo.david.session-xxxxx) and dropping the files inside it (.db, .db-sham and .db-wal), but nothing happens.
How can I get the data in SessionRestore?
Thanks in advance.
Hi John,
take a look here on the developers site: provides a tool to export your data, which you should then hopefully be able to import into SessionRestore
Thanks a lot Russell, it worked
I was able to find the required .plist file to use this utility, but when i drag it into the "drop zone" I am prompted with this message:
"oops, import failed
The file you tried to import was not in the correct format."
I haven't done anything that would alter the format, so why isn't it working?