Safari 13 & macOS 10.14.6
Hello. I was prompted to update to Safari 13 this morning. Before doing that I used SessionRestore to save several windows/tabs that were open. That session successfully saved...and I could see all of my previously saved sessions.
After updating to Safari 13, I restarted my Mac and launched the browser. First thing that popped up was a dialog box indicating "Some of your extensions are no longer supported in Safari". SessionRestore was listed and I was directed to the App Store for an update. I purchased v1.5.2 and installed it.
Installation went well, and the RS button appeared in the Safari toolbar. When the SessionRestore app opened, however, none of my previously saved sessions were listed. It was a blank slate. Checking the SweeP forum, I saw that SRRecover might help.
After downloading and installing SRRecover, I clicked on the Generate Import File button and granted permission to access my Library path. No results were generated, however, nor was there a related file on the Desktop. I manually checked for but did not find it in ~/Library/Preferences/. Is that a consequence of the Safari 13 upgrade?
What's my next step...and are my previously saved sessions recoverable?
Prior to this, I hadn't been tracking changes to extensions in Safari and the impacts to SessionRestore. (Lesson learned) Since my combo of Mojave, Safari 12, and SR had been working (prior to 13), I just cruised along and saved sessions and retrieved groups as needed. I've never exported or imported sessions...which I have now added to my overall system backup workflow.
I had the exact same issue as Arlo. Running 10.14.6 and updated Safari to v13 yesterday morning and immediately regretted doing so.
It appears that the ~/Library/Preferences/ file existed prior to Mojave. I was able to recover this file with TimeMachine but the most current file was from early January 2019... about the time I upgraded to Mojave... this plist file did not exist in any TimeMachine back up since then. Using the SRRecover tool I was able to restore my SessionRestore sessions to v1.5.2 (purchased this morning) as of that January 2019 date... and for the record this worked flawlessly... THANKS RUSSELL!
Here's the question... where did SessionRestore store session data after a system was upgraded to Mojave?... in other words, are my stored sessions from early January 2019 to now also recoverable?
Thanks for your time.
to be perfectly honest, im not sure.
I haven't worked on the javascript version at this year, except for adding the notice that It had been migrated to the new app.I also have Safari 13 installed, so can't even give you a definitive answer as to where the data was stored....
this folder seems like a likely candidate though:
to be perfectly honest, im not sure.
I haven't worked on the javascript version at this year, except for adding the notice that It had been migrated to the new app.I also have Safari 13 installed, so can't even give you a definitive answer as to where the data was stored....
this folder seems like a likely candidate though:
@SweetP wondering if you've figured out where the sessions are stored post Mojave? I'm in the same predicament as Arlo - can't find my backed up plist files to extract sessions from.
I tried your suggestion of .../safari/extensions.plist and that didn't work for me.
any updates?