This morning I was trying to retrieve my hidden files from INVISIBLE when I received a notification from BITDEFENDER asking me if I wanted to allow INVISIBLE as a trusted application, which I did. It was odd since I had been using INVISIBLE for 2 months or so and I never received this kind of message. When I tried to retrieve the files, they were gone and nowhere to be found. Now I am a bit paranoid and I am wondering where they could have gone. Could you help please?
JC -
You files will still be there
you can show the files manually like so:
Open Applications/Utilities/
paste in this command:defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
press enter
then relaunch the finderInvisible adds a . to the beginning of your files,
just remove the .then undo the changes:
Open Applications/Utilities/
paste in this command:defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO
then relaunch the finder