Uninstall WiFiSpoof
WiFiSpoof 3
Hey guys,
to uninstall WiFiSpoof. you also need to uninstall the Helper app. this is a little tricky, but not at all difficult. What you need to do is like so:
SweetP Store version
- disable Open At Login in Preferences
- move WiFiSpoof.app to the trash
- open Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
- copy & paste the following commands one at a time. pressing enter after pasting each line (you will need to enter your admin password)
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofHelperTool.plist sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofHelperTool.plist sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofHelperTool sudo security -q authorizationdb remove "com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoof.changeAddress"
Mac App Store version
- disable Open At Login in Preferences
- move WiFiSpoof.app to the trash
- move WiFiSpoof MAS Helper.app to the trash
- open Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app
- copy & paste the following commands one at a time. pressing enter after pasting each line (you will need to enter your admin password)
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofMASHelperTool.plist sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofMASHelperTool.plist sudo rm /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofMASHelperTool sudo security -q authorizationdb remove "com.sweetpproductions.WiFiSpoofMASHelper.changeAddress"
These instructions do not remove everything. If you run wifi spoof again, it remembers the rules. How do you get rid of ALL the settings?