Feature request - Opera 'beta' and 'developer' support
Hi SweetP Productions
I would like to request support for 'beta' and 'developer' builds of the Opera browser:
They use similar engine and only their appllication IDs and config paths differ as far as I can tell:
Opera 'beta'
~/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.OperaNext
Opera 'developer'
~/Library/Application Support/com.operasoftware.OperaDeveloper
So did anything happen about this? Since you already support Opera, adding support for next/beta seems like a very small feature to add, simply a matter of changing a couple of strings (unless I'm mistaken) but this request was 4 years ago and I can confirm it is not working as of 11th Feb 2021.
Shame as I use both extensively, they are in fact very stable. -
Ive just added Opera Beta support to the latest Cookie 6 Beta:
Ive just added Opera Beta support to the latest Cookie 6 Beta:
@retrocool thanks!