How does Cookie work?
When I originally started using Cookie I thought it was great. It blocked all the cookies except my favorites. IN Version 5.0.5 I selected everything in "Select Unwanted Data for REMOVAL From Your Browser". See attachment Under removal options I set it to delete everything every 5 minutes and whenever I quit a browser. When I quit my browser there are still tons of unwanted cookies, including tracking cookies, still showing in the Cookie window. I go in and delete all of them individually. Why isn't Cookie deleting these cookies when I quit the Safari? Why am I getting cookies from non-favorite websites? Why am I getting cookies for third parties that I do not visit?
Why isn't it deleting every 5 minutes?
It is nice to see the cookies so I can delete them but Cookies does not appear to be doing anything automatically.
Oddly enough the timer started to work after I made the original post. I did not see any update or download. It just started working. I could tell it was working because previously when I quit a browser it would not remove cookies, etc. that I marked for removal by the timer, and when I quit a browser. In the cookie window when I quit a browser it now deletes all the unwanted information from the internet activity for the fist time in a long time.