Cookie 7.4.1 : can't activate Safari
Issue still present in Cookie v7.7, MacOS 15.3.2.
~/Library/Containers/Cookie is not present.
@scottwh are you sure you are checking the user library: was using the terminal rather than Finder. There is a directory ~/Library/Containers/ (note extension).
I have just tried Finder as you suggested. That shows three directories called Cookie (no extension), all under ~/Library/Containers. To deal with the obvious questions first: (i) I have "Show all filename extensions" enabled; (ii) none of them show in the terminal window; (iii) directory does not show in the Finder window; (iv) yes, I am using the same directory for both - I dragged the folder icon from Finder in to Terminal to make sure of this.
Obviously this is ... unexpected! For what it's worth, the three folders showing in Finder have different times, all from today, though one of them has a Data subdirectory which has a 2020 date (probably inherited from an old installation of Cookie). The icons for the folders are different: two of them have blue folder icons, of which one has a centred round Cookie "radar" logo and the other has a centred rounded square Cookie "radar" logo. The third folder has a white square icon, bearing a white circle with a diagonal white slash, which I think means "version incompatible with this OS".
I'm going to delete all three folders in the Finder and reboot, then give an update as a reply to this comment.
I was using the terminal rather than Finder. There is a directory ~/Library/Containers/ (note extension).
I have just tried Finder as you suggested. That shows three directories called Cookie (no extension), all under ~/Library/Containers. To deal with the obvious questions first: (i) I have "Show all filename extensions" enabled; (ii) none of them show in the terminal window; (iii) directory does not show in the Finder window; (iv) yes, I am using the same directory for both - I dragged the folder icon from Finder in to Terminal to make sure of this.
Obviously this is ... unexpected! For what it's worth, the three folders showing in Finder have different times, all from today, though one of them has a Data subdirectory which has a 2020 date (probably inherited from an old installation of Cookie). The icons for the folders are different: two of them have blue folder icons, of which one has a centred round Cookie "radar" logo and the other has a centred rounded square Cookie "radar" logo. The third folder has a white square icon, bearing a white circle with a diagonal white slash, which I think means "version incompatible with this OS".
I'm going to delete all three folders in the Finder and reboot, then give an update as a reply to this comment.
The problem is still present: the "Enable Safari" button turns blue when the "Allow" button is used for the named three directories, but does not do anything.
In terms of items in ~/Library/Containers/, Finder shows a single folder named Cookie (blue folder icon with rounded-square Cookie "radar" logo). Terminal does not show anything with the command "ls -ld Cook*".
@scottwh macOS Finder renames the folder... but most people search via the Finder so I give the visible name.
But the actual path for the folder is:
You also need to give Cookie Full Disk Access in System Settings, have you done that?
@scottwh macOS Finder renames the folder... but most people search via the Finder so I give the visible name.
But the actual path for the folder is:
You also need to give Cookie Full Disk Access in System Settings, have you done that?
I didn't give full disk access: surely the point of giving access to those specific directories using the buttons is to avoid giving full disk access?
However, the problem has solved itself somehow. I enabled Firefox, Brave and Mullvad (in each case using the buttons to enable access to individual directories) and then had one more try at the Enable button for Safari - which worked this time!
Thanks for your help with this.