After restarting my computer, Automatic Removals are always paused - Cookie 7.2.7
saw this after a restart today. the purchase screen doesn't include any plans. Force quitting the cookie app (since it is run in the background) and restarting fixes the issue, and then I need to reenable automatic removals
I also have the issue where it sometimes isn't starting after a reboot/upgrade, but also I will walk away from the computer and when I come back it isn't started. I do have 2 WAN connections into the house - not sure if that is contributing. But very rarely see the license issue, just that it isn't enabled.
Can you perhaps add in an optional warning that people could turn on where there is a popup that it is paused? I have the icon on the screen, but don't think to notice its status. Or could the icon optionally blink if Cookie is paused?
7.2.9 has fixed the issue for me, thank you!