WiFiSpoof does Ethernet but not WiFi?
Why does it look like WiFiSpoof is spoofing the Ethernet MAC but not the WiFi MAC?
Using a 2017 iMac with latest Big Sur.
en0 is Ethernet, en1 is wifi, per Terminal command
networksetup -listallhardwareports.Clicked the Randomize button & WiFiSpoof shows a different MAC from the Hardware Address.
In Terminal: ifconfig en0 |grep ether
ether 00:11:74:7e:11:6dThis is the spoofed address shown in WiFiSpoof for Ethernet, so this seems good.
In Terminal: ifconfig en1 |grep ether
ether ec:2c:e2:7a:b6:faThis is NOT the spoofed address shown in WiFiSpoof, it is the same MAC as shown for en1 (WiFi) when I check Network Prefs - Advanced - Hardware, or when I run the Terminal command networksetup -listallhardwareports.
So it looks to me like WiFiSpoof is spoofing the Ethernet MAC but not the WiFi MAC.
Am I not understanding something here?
Duh, shortly after posting I figured out that one has to click the little arrow to the right of the Device: line to switch from en0 ethernet to en1 wifi. Just goes to show that for some of us, this is not as intuitive as you think it is. Sure would be “sweet” if you had a short "How To Use" document posted somewhere that explains how to use the app.
For another example, what is the function of the “Update Address” button? I haven’t been able to figure out how/when to use that. Sometimes it is grayed out, sometimes highlighted in blue. Can't figure out what it is supposed to do, as compared with changing the spoofed address by clicking Randomize. I appreciate your hard work and have been a long time Cookie user. But we're not all developers out here with an intuitive grasp of a bare bones user interface. Thanks for your products.