Problems staying logged in to favourite sites?
Ive posted another short tutorial video over on the website showing how to whitelist tracking cookies to retain your login details: -
This does not work for me. In cookie 4 everything worked nicely, just favourite the site and I was all set. With Cookie 5 only 1 of 6 sites keeps my cookies, in the others I have been saved over and over by Apples Keychain. I have favourited the sites, I have whitelisted all cookies, I have no idea what the "cookie timer" is, but logged out I am.
For instance , I get logged out every time I quit Safari. -
Ive posted another short tutorial video over on the website showing how to whitelist tracking cookies to retain your login details: I've favorited for Chrome and Safari, with Cookie5 set to delete cookies at browser quit, and no timers. And yet I am logged out of every time I quit the browser. In Chrome I tried manually whitelisting every single cookie (except two that are greyed out, for which I can select "Add to Whitelist" in the contextual menu but it doesn't happen), but quitting Chrome still logged me out.
I've favorited a couple of other websites, without additionally whitelisting their cookies, and I'm not logged out of those when I quit the browser (though I haven't tested more than a couple websites). But there's something weird happening with How can I stay logged in there?
try this:
- expand the Google domain,
- look for the
tracking cookies. - The one you are looking for is the
or possibly theSID
google cookie. - highlight it.
- right-click (control-click) to show the contextual menu.
- select
Add to Whitelist
@SweetP As I said, I've already whitelisted every cookie that I can. This includes the NID one. The SID one is greyed out and can't be whitelisted. (But in your tutorial video, that's the login cookie for gmail, which I'm not logging into at all in this scenario; I'm just going to, logging in, quitting the browser, reopening the browser, going to again, and finding myself logged out there.)
@SweetP As I said, I've already whitelisted every cookie that I can. This includes the NID one. The SID one is greyed out and can't be whitelisted. (But in your tutorial video, that's the login cookie for gmail, which I'm not logging into at all in this scenario; I'm just going to, logging in, quitting the browser, reopening the browser, going to again, and finding myself logged out there.)
@cmonster Huh, and I just tried it again, after reinstalling all my custom keyworded search engines into Chrome because I had thought that Cookie's setting to remove "Other Search Engines" would only keep Chrome from adding more, not nuke the ones I already had. Once I had reinstalled them all, I noticed that Cookie reported additional cookies that hadn't previously been in the list -- and that were not favorited, so that the Cookies column of Cookie now showed a dash rather than a checkmark for in the Favorite column, even though I had previously favorited the whole site. I clicked the box in the Favorite column, which favorited all the cookies, quit Chrome and reopened it, and found that I was still logged in to Which is what I wanted, huzzah.
However, if every new cookie for a favorited domain still has to be manually favorited, I don't think the app won't work for me. I'll keep testing it, though. Thanks!
do you have the timer enabled?
if so disable it temporarily so that theSID
cookie can be set -
This does not work for me. In cookie 4 everything worked nicely, just favourite the site and I was all set. With Cookie 5 only 1 of 6 sites keeps my cookies, in the others I have been saved over and over by Apples Keychain. I have favourited the sites, I have whitelisted all cookies, I have no idea what the "cookie timer" is, but logged out I am.
For instance , I get logged out every time I quit Safari. -
@ChrisB Same here. Currently looking for cookie v4 installer. Cookie 5 is just about useless